There are 2 new types of qualifications including special type 1 and type 2 special skills
1. Special type 1 skill (Tokutei Gino 1- 特定 技能 1 号)
Conditions for obtaining a Type 1 Special Skill Visa
In order to be able to qualify for a Type 1 skilled skill visa, you need to have work experience through a skills test and a basic Japanese level prescribed by the Japanese government agency.
Trainees who complete a 3-year internship program, who have completed the 3 rd grade (随時 3 級) examinations, will be exempted from this exam and may apply for a new employment status for a maximum of 5 years, each extension. years and cannot guarantee spouses and children.
Japan officially finalized 2 new visas for TTS Japan labor export program
(特定 技能 1 号)
- 日常 会話 が で き る 日本語 能力
- 業務 に つ い て の 一定 の 知識
- 在 留 期限 は 最長 5 年 間
- 家族 の 帯 同 認 め ず
Read now: 5 types of Japanese Visa workers should know
14 industries are considered for visa type 1 status
- Construction (建築業)
- Shipbuilding industry (造船 ・ 船用 工業)
- Car repair (自動 車 整 備 業)
- Professional work related to the airport (空港 業)
- Hotel operations (宿 泊 業)
- Taking care of the elderly (Nurse. 介 護)
- Building cleaning (ビ ル ク リ ー ニ ン グ)
- Agriculture (農業)
- Fishery (漁業)
- Food processing (飲食 料 品 製造業)
- Catering, restaurants (外 食 業)
- Processing materials (素材 産業)
- Mechanical processing (産業 機械 製造業)
- Electrical and electronic engineering (電子 ・ 電 気 機器 関 連 産業)
Japan officially finalized 2 new visas for TTS Japan labor export program
Refer to the article: Differences between special skill visas and Japanese trainee visas
2. Special type 2 skill (Tokutei Gino 2- 特定 技能 2 号)
To achieve a Type 2 Special Skill Visa you need to meet the conditions
Having work experience with professional qualifications, equivalent to Japanese language exam by government agencies. Usually the qualification is equal to the second level (随時 2 級. For TTS students, for a 2 to 5 year extension, if you get this job, you can change to the above status.
Visa Special skill type 2 is equivalent to the Japanese engineer and technician program. May storm a wife-husband, a child; extend 1, 3, or 5 year visas; You can apply for a permanent visa if you qualify.
In case the TTS who have returned to the country but have not yet completed the 3 rd grade job or who have never worked in Japan can still apply for this status, if you have any conditions to apply for a Japanese visa and have a company or agency. Sign up to help you take the exam in Japan
>>> Find out about Japanese permanent residence visa in this article
Japan officially finalized 2 new visas for TTS Japan labor export program
特定 技能 2 号
- 専 門 性 の 高 い 熟練 し た 技能
- 家族 の 帯 同 を 許可
- 在 留 期間 の 更新 可能
The professions that are considered as the type 2 Visa status
- Construction (建築業)
- Shipbuilding industry (造船 ・ 船用 工業)
- Car repair (自動 車 整 備 業)
- Professional work related to the airport (空港 業)
- Hotel operations (宿 泊 業)
SOURCE: Nikkei
1. Didn't I come to Japan and didn't know Japanese?
Answer: Until now, as far as we know, it is essential that you have a N4 Japanese certificate and expertise. So you should study Japanese first to catch up on this program.
2. Have I completed a 3-year internship program and have returned home?
Answer: So you are too easy to join, as long as your Japanese has a certain capacity equivalent to N4 (no N4 certificate is required)
3. I came to Japan under a 1 year trainee program?
Answer: If you are a 1 year system, you will need to have a N4 Japanese certificate and pass the professional exam: the basic career of your industry.
4. Did I violate the law in Japan during my stay here?
Answer: The Japanese Immigration Department always prioritizes this consideration when verifying your records. Normally, if it is a violation such as fleeing, stealing, it can be deleted after 5 years.
5. Is this an internship program renewed two years after returning home?
Answer: No, totally different.
Trainee is a cooperative program between the two governments aimed at training your expertise in Japan so that you can bring that trained knowledge to Vietnam. So you can only stay at a maximum of 3 years + 2 years (if eligible).
But this is a completely new type of residency purpose to compensate for the new workforce for Japan, so you can stay in Japan for a long time if you are qualified.
6. The old Japanese factory wanted to take me over and do it again, but I don't know how to return to Japan in this capacity?
Answer: If your company is in 1 of 8 industries: agriculture, construction, nursing-care, shipbuilding, hotels (tourism), fisheries, restaurants, manufacturing
And you have a certificate: 技能 実 習 2 号 修 了 証書, it is possible to return to Japan in this manner. If you do not have 技能 実 習 2 号 修 了 証書, you can still apply for a tourist visa to Japan to take the exam to obtain a status tokutei ginou.
Some companies dispatch VN and trade unions in Japan for the most profitable, they always want businesses to accept new interns instead of receiving those who have worked for them like you.
Advantages of TOKUTEI-GINOU l status